Wall Mounted Barriers


Wall mounted barriers are ideal for areas where space is tight, but you require a belt barrier to extend over doorways, exit routes or walkways. They are a more permanent crowd control barrier and come with the same mechanisms as floor-standing queuing barriers. They have the added benefit of giving the user the ability to mount at the height they require. From galleries to theme parks, concerts to airports, wall mounted retractable belt barriers are the perfect crowd control solution, regardless of the industry. For an alternative queueing barriers option, check out our selection of tensabarriers.

Wall Mounted Barriers

Our wall mounted barrier range is an excellent way of managing large crowds or directing people to where they should go. With a variety of styles to choose from, you can pick the most suitable for your establishment and leave your customers satisfied.

Our wall mounted retractable barrier system offers a practical and convenient solution for controlling access to certain areas or creating safe pedestrian walkways. They are easy to install and take up minimal space, making them ideal for use in areas where floor space is limited. Additionally, they are durable and long-lasting, making them a cost-effective investment in the long run.

All of our wall mounted retractable barrier options have a length of 2.3m, 4.6m, or 7.7m with a variety of colourways to choose from. We have black, yellow, and red posts to select from with the same colour belts too. Furthermore, we have yellow and black and red and white diagonal striped designs if that would be more suitable.

When positioning your wall mounted barrier system, it's important to consider the purpose of the barrier and the layout of the space. For crowd control, place the barriers in a way that directs foot traffic and keeps people at a safe distance. In areas where the barrier is primarily for safety, such as around machinery or hazardous areas, position it in a way that prevents unauthorised access and provides clear visibility of the danger zone.

Our wall mounted belt barrier range features a centrifugal braking system which makes the item easier and safer to use. This slows the belt down when being drawn in, reducing the possibility of injuries and accidents. They also have anti-tamper locking tape ends to ensure the strap can’t be pulled without first pressing a button.

You should first establish what the purpose of your wall barrier is so you can figure out which one would be best. Measuring the space that you want to put it is a good idea when you’re determining what length belt you require. If you are trying to cordon off a space then our diagonal striped designs will alert people to stay away whereas if you just want to manage queues, one of our plain belts would be suitable.

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